Understanding the gss.ini settings - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 24.1

Global Server Selector Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

The following section outlines the different fields and values found within the /bluecat_gateway/customizations/gss.ini configuration file.

Section Field Default Value Value Type Description
[CONFIGURATION] bdds_server None String (Optional) The IP address of the DNS server that is used by GSS.
Note: If you do not specify this, the DNS servers configured on the host system are used to resolve the gss.bluecat zone.
config_name None String (Required) The Address Manager configuration that GSS will use.

This value is set from Configuration field in the GSS installation workflow if not manually configured in this file.

view_name None String (Required) The DNS View that GSS will use.

This value is set from View field in the GSS installation workflow if not manually configured in this file.

tag_group_name Traffic Steering String The Tag Group that stores GSS data, such as the collection of regions and previously selected Configuration and View information. This Tag Group is automatically created upon installation.

Contact BlueCat Customer Care before modifying the default value.

gss_region None String (Required) The GSS region that receives status answers and manages the client regions.

This value is set from GSS Region field in the GSS installation workflow if not manually configured in this file.

tsig_key None String (Required) The name of the TSIG keys used to retrieve and update records on the DNS Server.

This value is set from Key field in the GSS installation workflow if not manually configured in this file.

local_address None String (Optional) The localhost of the High Availability server. The value of this field is in the following format:

This value is set from Local IP Address and Port fields in the GSS High Availability workflow if not manually configured in this file.

[RPZ_RAW_OPTION] recursive-only no String Determines whether to restrict the DNS server to perform only recursive queries and disables it from performing iterative queries.
If set to yes, the following DNS Raw Option is created:
response-policy {
zone "<view>.rpz.gss.bluecat" ;} recursive-only
no max-policy-ttl 60 break-dnssec yes 
qname-wait-recurse no;

Contact BlueCat Customer Care before modifying the default value.

max-policy-ttl 60 Integer Restricts the DNS server to perform only recursive queries and disables it from performing iterative queries.

Contact BlueCat Customer Care before modifying the default value.

break-dnssec yes String If set to yes, the DNS server intentionally returns incorrect DNSSEC signatures for zones with inconsistent DNSSEC configurations.

Contact BlueCat Customer Care before modifying the default value.

qname-wait-recursive no String Determines whether the BIND server waits for recursive responses to queries.

Contact BlueCat Customer Care before modifying the default value.

[SCHEDULER_CONFIG] user_name gateway-user String The default username used when scheduler jobs, such as the ACL scheduler, require login service account credentials.
password_file_path customizations/.gsssecret String Defines the default encryption file directory.
interval 60 Integer Defines the interval time to retrieve all health check configuration information of the GSS application, in seconds.

BlueCat recommends configuring a smaller value to ensure that information is updated regularly.

sync_interval 60 Integer Defines the interval time of the scheduler job to synchronize with service account credentials, in seconds.
Note: This option in not used in GSS v24.1.
min_check_every 10 Integer Defines the minimum interval limit of the health check, in seconds.

BlueCat recommends configuring a value that is not too small, as this can increase the number of requests per server.

misfire_grace_time 15 Integer In some scenarios, the scheduler might not be able to execute a scheduled job at the configured time. This parameter defines the grace period for each scheduled job to execute if it cannot be executed at the configured time, in seconds.

BlueCat recommends increasing this value if the scheduler frequently does not execute at the configured time.

app_run_now_delay_time 5 Integer In some scenarios, the scheduler might not be able to execute a scheduled task at the configured time. This parameter defines the delay time for each scheduled task to execute if it cannot be executed at the configured time, in seconds.

BlueCat recommends defining a value that is not too big, as this can also delay any scheduled jobs.

execute_time_config 5 Integer The interval time used to minimize overloading the health-check scheduler, in seconds.
[TRAFFIC_STEERING_CONFIGURATION] max_count_result 10 Integer Defines the maximum number of results displayed when searching in the application.

BlueCat recommends defining a value that is not too big, as this can increase the time taken to return search results.

RRType HostRecord, AliasRecord String Defines the resource records to search.
Note: BlueCat does not recommend updating the values.
[SERVICE_ACCOUNT] user_name None String The username used to grant privilege elevation.
password None String The encrypted password used to grant privilege elevation.
[LOGGER_CONFIG] max_mb 10 Integer Defines the maximum size of each log file, in megabytes.

This value is set from Maximum log size field in the GSS installation workflow if not manually configured in this file.

backup_count 10 Integer Defines the maximum number of log files retained.

This value is set from Number of logs to retain field in the GSS installation workflow if not manually configured in this file.

log_level 20 Integer Defines the logging level. The value can be one of the following:
  • 0 - NOTSET
  • 10 - DEBUG
  • 20 - INFO
  • 30 - WARNING
  • 40 - ERROR
  • 50 - CRITICAL

This value is set from Logging Level field in the GSS installation workflow if not manually configured in this file.

keep_all_logs 0 Integer Determines whether to keep all logs or whether a limited number of log files are retained. The value can be one of the following:
  • 0 - Do not keep all logs
  • 1 - Keep all logs

This value is set from Keep all logs field in the GSS installation workflow if not manually configured in this file.

[DR_CONFIG] affect_link Default, Production String Specifies the effect link when switching the production and DR environments.

Modify this value for switching the application workflow.

production_region Production String Defines the production region.

Modify this value to add a new DR application without specifying the region for production. GSS automatically maps the IP address input to the region.

BlueCat recommends updating this option according to defined regions.

dr_region DR String Defines the DR region.

Modify this value to add new DR applications without specifying the region for DR. GSS automatically maps the IP address input to the region.

BlueCat recommends updating this option according to defined regions.