BlueCat Hybrid DNS Update - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 22.1

Hybrid DNS Update Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

BlueCat Adaptive Applications are licensed, out-of-the-box applications that provide you with advanced DDI functionality with minimal configurations. Adaptive Applications extend the functionality of the BlueCat core Adaptive DNS platform, DNS Integrity, in specific areas to drive increased customer value and competitive differentiation.

The BlueCat Hybrid DNS Update Adaptive Application provides a single, centralized API and UI for making instant updates to authoritative DNS data where the management of that data is spread across multiple accounts and DNS providers.

The Adaptive Application can update DNS data in the following environments:
  • BlueCat DNS
  • Amazon Route 53 DNS
  • Azure DNS
  • Google Cloud DNS
  • Windows DNS

The application records all changes in BlueCat Address Manager. Address Manager authentication and role-based access control can be used to control changes. The Address Manager transaction log provides the full, detailed history of changes that have been made by Hybrid DNS Update.

Hybrid DNS Update is designed to be used with the BlueCat Cloud Discovery & Visibility Adaptive Application, and Secondary Zone Notifications feature available in BlueCat DNS, providing visibility into DNS data that is not managed in Address Manager. When used together with these applications, Hybrid DNS Update provides the ability to read and write all DNS data across multiple environments.