Before you begin, ensure that the following prerequisites are met.
Software Prerequisites
- Address Manager v9.3.0.
- Docker CE v18.03.1 or greater, Docker EE v17.03.2 or greater, OpenShift 4.3, or RedHat-compiled Docker v1.13.1 installed on each host machine that will be running a Distributed DDNS component.
Hardware Prerequisites
- You must have at least 2 CPUs and 8GB of RAM allocated to the host machine that will be running BlueCat Gateway.
- You must have at least 50GB of free disk space on the host machine.
Configuration Prerequisites
- You must configure the BlueCatGateway UDF and a BlueCat Gateway user on Address Manager. For more information, refer to the Configuring BlueCat Gateway section of the BlueCat Gateway Installation Guide.
- The BlueCat Gateway server IP address must be granted direct database access to Address Manager. For more information, refer to the Adding host access to the database section of the Address Manager Administration Guide.
User Account Permission Prerequisites
- A Quay account that has been granted access to the BlueCat Hybrid DNS Update Adaptive Application.
- You must have a Docker CLI password.
You can create one by clicking Generate Encrypted Password under Docker CLI Password on the Account Settings page in Quay.