Creating new profiles - BlueCat vRO Plug-in - 8.0.1-9.4.0

IPAM Automation Guide

Product name
BlueCat vRO Plug-in

Create at least one profile in order to allow the BlueCat vRO plug-in to work with Address Manager. You can create as many profiles as you want.

Note: If you are running Address Manager in replication and a failover has been performed, you must reconfigure the profile with the updated Address Manager IP address or hostname from the vRealize Orchestrator configuration page.

To create a profile:

  1. Log in to the VMware vRealize Orchestrator Client user interface.
  2. Under Library, select Workflows.
  3. Select ... next to the Add a profile workflow and select Run.
  4. Set the following parameters:
    • Profile Name—enter the unique descriptive name for the profile that you are creating.
    • Host—enter the IP address or FQDN of the Address Manager server.
    • User Name—enter an Address Manager API username that vRealize Orchestrator will use to log in to the Address Manager server. This API username must already exist in Address Manager.
      Note: In order to perform IPAM automation using BlueCat vRO plug-in, the API user must be granted Full access rights at the IP address and MAC address levels, and Full access rights with the ability to perform a full deployment of data at the server level.
    • Password—enter the API user password for the Address Manager server.
    • Use SSL—select the Yes radio button to connect to the Address Manager server using SSL.
  5. Click Run.