Adding and deleting discovery probes - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 23.1

Network Discovery Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

Network Discovery uses a series of network probes to scan and explore your local immediate network. Discovery probes do the actual work of scanning and finding hosts on your network.

You can deploy probes in two general system configuration:

  • Multiple Containers: Each probe is deployed in a separate Network Discovery container, managed by a single deployment of Network Discovery in another ("Management") container.

    You must add a probe for each Discovery Probe container that you deploy, specifying the URL for each probe container.

  • Single Container: Both the Network Discovery Management UI and Discovery Probes are run from the same container.

    You can add as many probes as needed. The URL for these containers will use a localhost address.

After you add discovery probes, Network Discovery will use them based on the IPv4 reconciliation policies you set up.

To add a new discovery probe:

  1. From Gateway, open Network Discovery, then click the Setup tab.

  2. If needed, in the Probe Configuration section, enter or update account information used by Network Discovery to connect to BlueCat Address Manager (BAM):

    • Select whether authentication details for the probe will be through a password (BAM SSH password) or an SSH key (BAM SSH key).

    • In BAM SSH User, enter the BAM user name that the Probe will use to connect to BAM.

      Currently, this must be root (the root user).

    • If you selected BAM SSH password for the authentication type, in the BAM SSH password field, enter the password that the probe should use when connecting to BAM.

      If you selected BAM SSH key, in the BAM SSH key field, paste the SSH authentication key that the probe should use when connecting to BAM.

    • In API User and API Password, enter account details for signing in to Gateway where the Management instance of Network Discovery was deployed. This account will be used for the Gateway API.

    • In Management URL, enter the URL for the Network Discovery Management instance. If you're using a Single Container configuration, use https://localhost:44300 for the Management URL.

      This field is hidden if you do not have a remote probe. When configuring a remote probe, this will be set to a default value of based on the probe's protocol, domain, and port. If the domain is localhost, this field is left empty to enter a new value.

  3. By default, Network Discovery has a single probe available. If you want to add an additional probe beyond those already configured, click Add another probe.

    Specify the name and URL for the new probe. You can enter information for either local probes or remote probes.
    • Enter a label for the probe. This label will be used when logging events relating to that probe.

      If you enter a label for a local probe, then https://localhost:44300 will be used for both the Management URL and Probe URL.

    • Enter the IP address and port for the probe. Make sure you select whether the IP address uses the http:// or https:// prefix.

      If you're using a Single Container system, use https://localhost:44300 for the IP address (the same as the Management URL).

    • When you're done, click Submit.

      Network Discovery will attempt to add the probe using your entered SSH and API credentials, marking the probe with a green checkmark if successful.

      Tip: If you're adding remote probes, click the plus (+) button to add another probe.

To delete a discovery probe:
  1. From Gateway, open Network Discovery, then click the Setup tab.

  2. In the Probe Configuration section, click the cross symbol (x) next to the URL of the probe that you want to delete.

    Note: You must have at least one probe. Network Discovery will prevent you from deleting the last probe. You cannot delete the local probe.