Downloading the Network Discovery package - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 23.2

Network Discovery Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

You can download the Network Discovery installation files from Quay.

There are several prerequisites to acquire the installation files:
  • You must have Docker installed on the host machine.

  • You must have an Address Manager server.

  • You must have a Quay account that has been granted read access to the Network Discovery private repository ( If you have not yet created a Quay account, create an account and give your Quay account username to a BlueCat representative to be granted access to the private repository.

  • You must have a Docker CLI (Command Line Interface) password.

    You can create one by clicking Generate Encrypted Password under Docker CLI Password on the Account Settings page in Quay.

To acquire the Network Discovery installation file from Quay:

  1. From the Linux console of the host machine, run the following command:

    docker login
  2. At the prompt, enter your Quay user name and password obtained when generating the encrypted password.

  3. From the Linux console of the host machine, download the latest Network Discovery Adaptive Application file from Quay using the following command for version 23.2:

    docker pull