IPv4/IPv6 Reconciliation Policies page - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 23.2

Network Discovery Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

To access the IPv4/IPv6 Reconciliation Policies page from the BlueCat Gateway UI, click Network Discovery on the left sidebar and select either IPv4 Reconciliation Policies or IPv6 Reconciliation Policies from the list of available pages.

Note: In Network Discovery v23.2, the process of retrieving the policies to be displayed in the table takes longer than expected when there are more than 200 blocks or networks in the configuration. Using v1 REST API to load the policy entries in the table may lead to a timeout error. Therefore, we recommend using v2 REST API to retrieve the policies faster.

Each policy entry in the table has the following attributes:

Field Description
Policy name

The current name of the policy.

IP network

The URL or IP address of the network that the policy applies to.

Configuration The Configuration in Address Manager that contains the resources that the policy applies to.
Discovery method The method used for discovery. This can be SNMP, PingSweep, or SNMP plus PingSweep.
Device The name of the device that the policy applies to.
Network boundary After discovery finishes on a device, click the eye icon here to view the full log from the Discovery Engine. Click the download button next to it to download the log file.
Schedule The scheduled date and time at which this reconciliation policy is set to start.
Start time The first time the schedule was started.
Activate The activation status of the policy (Yes or No). Policies take effect only when they're activated.

The toolbar at the top of the table contains various icons that enable you to perform the following actions:

  • Add a new policy—See Adding a Reconciliation Policy.

  • Edit settings configured for a policy—See Updating a Reconciliation Policy.

  • Delete policies—See Deleting a Reconciliation Policy.

  • Run a policy—See Running a Reconciliation Policy.

  • Display the latest information about policies—Click the reload icon for Network Discovery to automatically reload and display the latest information about the policies in the table.

  • Update the table to display additional attributes—Click the update table icon to display additional attributes in the table. In the Update Table page that appears, the Available column lists attributes available for selection while the Selected column lists attributes displayed in the table. To display an attribute in the table, click the arrow icon corresponding to the attribute in the Available column. The selected attribute is now displayed in the Selected column. To remove an attribute from the Selected column, click the arrow corresponding to the attribute. The attribute is now displayed in the Available column.

    Additionally, you can drag and drop the attributes in the Selected column to change the order in which they are displayed in the table.

    Click Update to apply the changes.

  • Filter the list of policies—Click the filter icon to view the list of available filter options. Select one or more of the following options by which you want to filter the list:

    • Configuration: Select the name of the Address Manager Configuration that contains the policies you want to display. To display policies from all Configurations, remove the Configuration filter by clicking the x icon.

    • Device:Select the name of the device that the policy is associated with.
    • Network boundary: Select the IP network boundaries.
    • Discovery Method: Display only policies that use the specified discovery method (SNMP, PingSweep, or SNMP Plus PingSweep).

      To display policies that use any discovery method, remove the filter by clicking the x icon.

    Click Save to apply the filter. To remove one or more filters that you applied, click the x icon for that filter.

    To filter by the name or IP range of the policies, click Filter by policy name or range next to the Search icon. To filter by the full name or partial name of a policy, select Filter by policy name and then, select the policy name. This option is available only for IPv4 reconciliation policies.

    To filter by IP network, select Filter by IP network and then, select the block or network that we use to create the policy.

  • View details, history, and logs for a policy—See Running a Reconciliation Policy.