Network Discovery v2 REST API - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 23.2

Network Discovery Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

List of Network Discovery V2 REST API endpoints

Endpoint Description
Management Devices Resource
GET .../configurations/{configuration_name}/devices/{device_name} Get the selected device from the Configuration.
PATCH .../configurations/{configuration_name}/devices/{device_name} Update the selected device.
POST .../configurations/{configuration_name}/devices/{device_name} Add a device.
GET .../configurations/{configuration_name}/devices/ {device_name}/discover_status Get the latest discovery status of a device.
GET .../configurations/{configuration_name}/devices/{device_name}/ discovery_configuration/{disc_probe_label} Get the Discivery_Device UDF of a device.
PUT .../configurations/{configuration_name}/devices/{device_name}/linked Create and assign a UDF for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
GET .../devices Get all devices without linked IP addresses and linked IP networks.
GET .../device Get the device name list.
POST .../devices Discover devices.
DELETE .../devices Delete devices.
GET .../devices_with_linked Get all devices with linked IP addresses and linked IP networks.
Management Networks Resource
POST.../configurations/{configuration_name}/create_networks Create IP Networks.
Management installation
GET .../installation

Get installation information.

PUT .../installation/bam_mgmt_credential Update management credentials.
PUT .../installation/bam_udf Update user-defined fields (UDFs) in Address Manager.
PUT .../installation/bam_v6_udf Update UDFs in Address Manager.
POST .../installation/block_network_udf Create the UDF for a Block Network in Address Manager.
PUT .../installation/config_discovery_probes Update the configuration for discovery probes.
POST .../installation/device_udf Create the UDF for a device in Address Manager
POST .../installation/device_udl Create the UDL for a device in Address Manager
GET .../installation/discovery_probe Get the credentials of discovery probes.
PUT .../installation/discovery_probe Update credentials of discovery probes.
DELETE .../installation/discovery_probe Delete credentials of a discovery probe.
POST .../installation/encrypt-password Encrypt a password.
PUT .../installation/mgmt_credential Update the management credentials.
Management IPv4 Reconciliation Policy Resource
GET .../config_network/ipv4_recon_policies Get all IPv4 reconcilation policies of the configuration and their details such as policy name, range, config, and type.
PUT .../configurations/{configuration_name}/ipv4_recon_policies Update an IPv4 reconcilation policy.
POST .../configurations/{configuration_name}/ipv4_recon_policies Add an IPv4 reconciliation policy.
GET .../configurations/{configuration_name}/ipv4_recon_policies/ discovery_configuration/{disc_probe_label} Get the Discovery Configuration UDF of an IPv4 reconciliation policy.
GET .../ipv4_recon_policies/run-now Get the latest Run-Now status of a scheduled policy.
POST .../configurations/{configuration_name}/ipv4_recon_policies/run-now Run an IPv4 reconciliation policy now.
PUT .../configurations/{configuration_name}/ipv4_recon_policies/schedule Update the scheduled time for an IPv4 reconciliation policy.
GET .../ipv4_recon_policies/scheduled Get the latest discovery status of a scheduled policy.
GET .../ipv4_policy/boundaries Get all the IPv4 network boundaries for the configuration.
GET .../ipv4_recon_policies Get all IPv4 reconcilation policies of the configuration and their details such as discoveryMethod, dnsServers, name, networkBoundaries, parent_id, policy_id, startDateTime, and more.
DELETE .../ipv4_recon_policies Delete IPv4 reconciliation policies.
Management IPv6 Reconciliation Policy Resource
GET .../config_network/ipv6_recon_policies Get all IPv6 reconcilation policies of the configuration and their details such as range, config, and type.
PUT .../configurations/{configuration_name}/ipv6_recon_policies Update an IPV6 reconciliation policy.
POST .../configurations/{configuration_name}/ipv6_recon_policies Add an IPv6 reconciliation policy.
GET .../configurations/{configuration_name}/ipv6_recon_policies/ discovery_configuration/{disc_probe_label} Get the Discovery Configuration UDF of an IPv6 reconciliation policy.
GET .../ipv6_recon_policies/run-now Get the latest Run-Now status of a scheduled policy.
POST .../configurations/{configuration_name}/ipv6_recon_policies/run-now Run an IPv6 reconciliation policy now.
PUT .../configurations/{configuration_name}/ipv6_recon_policies/schedule Update the scheduled time for an IPv6 reconciliation policy.
GET .../ipv6_recon_policies/scheduled Get the latest discovery status of a scheduled policy.
GET .../ipv6_policy/boundaries Get all the IPv6 network boundaries in the configuration.
GET .../ipv6_recon_policies Get all IPv6 reconcilation policies of the configuration and their details such as discoveryMethod, dnsServers, networkBoundaries, parent_id, policy_id, startDateTime, and more.
DELETE .../ipv6_recon_policies Delete multiple IPv6 reconciliation policies of a Block or Network.
Management Logger Resource
GET .../configurations/{configuration_name}/logger/download/{disc_probe_label} Download logs from a specific probe.
GET .../configurations/{configuration_name}/logger/latest/{disc_probe_label} Get the latest logs.
GET .../logger/count-error Get the total errors.
PUT .../logger/count-error Reset the total errors to 0.
GET .../logger/discovery-log-level/{disc_probe_label} Get the log level for a discovery probe.
PUT .../logger/discovery-log-level/{disc_probe_label} Set the log level for a discovery probe.
GET .../logger/download Download the logs.
GET .../logger/latest Get the latest logs.
GET .../logger/log-level Get the log level.
PUT .../logger/log-level Update the log level.
Upload File
Note: To use the following APIs, you must have at least one probe added.
PUT .../upload_discovery_file Upload results from a discovery job to Address Manager.
GET .../upload_discovery_file Get the status of the upload process after you upload the results from a discovery job to Address Manager.
Management IP Spaces Resource
GET .../configurations/{configuration_name}/ip4_spaces Get the first 10 known IPv4 Blocks and Networks from a Configuration.
GET .../configurations/{configuration_name}/ipv6_spaces Get the first 10 known IPv6 Blocks and Networks from a Configuration.
GET .../ip_address Get the IP address spaces filtered by name prefix and configuration name.
GET .../ip_network Get the IP network spaces filtered by name prefix and configuration name.
Management Configurations Resource
GET .../configurations Get all known Configurations.
GET .../job_id/{job_id} Get a specific reconciliation policy (job).
Discovery Probe Resource
GET .../discovery_probe Get all scheduled jobs.
PUT .../discovery_probe Update a scheduled job.
POST .../discovery_probe Add a scheduled job.
GET .../discovery_probe/discovery-log-level Get the log level for discovery.
PUT .../discovery_probe/discovery-log-level Update the log level for discovery.
GET .../discovery_probe/discovery-probe-logger/latest Get the latest successful logs.
PUT .../discovery_probe/discovery-probe-logger/latest Reset the total errors to 0.
GET .../discovery_probe/health Get the health of a discovery probe.
POST .../discovery_probe/installation Update discovery probe information.
GET .../discovery_probe/log-level Get the log level.
PUT .../discovery_probe/log-level Update the log level.
POST .../discovery_probe/start Start the scheduler.
GET .../discovery_probe/status Get the status of the discovery probe.
POST .../discovery_probe/stop Stop the discovery probe.
POST .../discovery_probe/{job_id} Run a discovery probe job now.
DELETE .../discovery_probe/{job_id} Delete a scheduled discovery probe job.
GET .../discovery_probe/{job_id}/log Get the latest status of a scheduled job.
GET .../discovery_probe/{job_id}/run-now Get the latest Run-Now status of a scheduled job.
GET .../discovery_probe/{job_id}/scheduled Get the latest discovery status of a scheduled job.