Settings page - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 23.2

Network Discovery Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

The Settings page contains sections with configuration settings and other tools useful for setting up Network Discovery on your system. Many of these settings can be specified as environment variables when deploying the container.


Network Discovery requires the creation of several user-defined fields (UDFs) and user-defined links (UDLs) in BlueCat Address Manager (BAM). Network Discovery uses these fields and links to track information that it collects. For details on creating UDFs and UDLs in Address Manager, see Adding a user-defined field and Adding user-defined links.

Within the UDF/UDL configuration section, Network Discovery checks to make sure that the proper UDFs and UDLs are created. If a specific UDF or UDL can't be found, Network Discovery displays a warning.

Tip: For convenience, Network Discovery also displays the direct IPv4 and IPv6 URL for the Network Discovery Workflow. You can view and update these URLs in the Workflow IPv4 URL and Workflow IPv6 URL fields if required, and copy the URLs from these fields for use in other tools or documents.

To automatically create any missing UDFs or UDLs, click the Create missing UDFs/UDLs button.

Default configuration

Specify the configuration to be applied in the Network Discovery workflow.

Management Configuration

Set user account details when connecting to BAM through Network Discovery API endpoints.
Note: Management Configuration is applicable only when using v1 REST API.


The Probe table in this section lists the discovery probes. The settings configured for the discovery probes specify how discovery probes connect and authenticate with devices and with Network Discovery API endpoints. You can filter the list by probe name or URL.

To add a new discovery probe, click Add and configure the settings as required. For more details, see Adding a discovery probe.