Updating a device - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 24.1.2

Network Discovery Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

To edit the settings configured for an existing device in the Devices page:

  1. From the BlueCat Gateway UI, click Network Discovery on the left sidebar.

    A list of available pages is displayed.

  2. From this list, select Devices.

    The Devices page is displayed, with a table that lists the available devices.

  3. From the list of devices displayed, click the name of the device for which you want to update the settings.

    The device-name panel appears on the right side of the page, displaying the settings for the selected device.

  4. Click Edit at the bottom right corner of the panel to update the settings as required.

    For more details, see Device settings.

  5. When you're done, click Save to save the changes and return to the Devices page. The table now displays the updated setttings for the device.

    Alternatively, click Cancel to return to the Devices page without changing anything.