Manual deployment - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Address Manager provides two ways to manually deploy data to managed servers: Deploy and Quick Deploy.

The Deploy function is available from the Servers tab. Use this function to deploy data to one or more servers, and to select the services you want to deploy. When you launch a deployment, Address Manager examines the configuration and automatically determines if it should perform a full deployment or differential deployment.
  • Full deployment or Differential deployment?

    Address Manager has an object count limit of 2000, that when reached will automatically trigger a full deployment rather than a differential deployment (this includes quick deploy function). Object updates that count towards this limit are DDNS updates, user updates and DHCP updates (for example, regular history items). This applies to all deployable servers in Address Manager (for example, crossing the 2000 updated object limit will trigger a full deployment on any server regardless of what zones those changes occurred in). This was designed as protection in case there are huge changes that have happened since the last deployment. When a large number of changes occur, Address Manager performs a full deployment because calculating the history differences may take more time than actually deploying. For more information on full deployment and differential deployment, refer to Types of deployment.

The Quick Deploy function is available on a zone’s IP block or IP network’s Resource Records tab once one or more Deployment Roles have been added. Use this function to instantly deploy changes you made to DNS resource records. This function applies only to DNS resource records that you have changed and doesn't deploy any other data.
  • The Quick Deploy function is always available to Address Manager administrators. To make the function available to non-administrators, you need to assign the option to a user or user group as an access right. For more information on assigning access rights, refer to Access rights.
  • You must add at least one server to Address Manager and add a primary DNS deployment role in order to access the Quick Deploy function.
  • You can Quick Deploy to multiple servers, views, and zones.
  • Though the Quick Deploy function is selected from individual zones and networks, if the user has made resource record changes to other zones and networks configured with the same primary server, those changes will also be deployed to the server. Review the Confirm Server Quick Deploy page after selecting Quick Deploy to confirm pending changes from all zones and networks before proceeding.
  • Only changes made by the user will be deployed. Changes made by other users will not be deployed, even if they have been made on the same zone or network as the changes from the Quick Deploy user.