Before configuring Quick Service on a BlueCat DNS/DHCP Server (BDDS) appliance, ensure that your environment meets the following requirements:
You must have BlueCat Address Manager (BAM) v9.4.0 or greater (hardware or virtual machine).
You must have a BDDS (hardware or virtual machine).
You must have a Quay account that has been granted Read access to the Quick Service private repository (<repository>
). If you have not yet created a Quay account, create an account and give your Quay account username to a BlueCat representative to be granted access to the private repository. -
You must have a Docker Command Line Interface (CLI) password.
You can create one by clicking Generate Encrypted Password under Docker CLI Password on the Account Settings page in Quay.
The following section outlines the steps to configure the Quick Service application on a BDDS:
To confirm the status of Gateway Service:
From the Service Type drop down list, select BlueCat Gateway.
Scroll down to view the Gateway Status section.
You can find the status of the service under the Status and Description fields. If the Status field shows RUNNING, Gateway Service has been enabled and the container is running.