IP Space page - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 24.4

Quick Service Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

Users in user groups with the Read-Write permission can view, add, and update values displayed in the IP Space tab. Users in user groups with the Read-only permission can only view the values.

Users in user group with restricted configurations, views, zones, or networks are not able to view those objects in the Quick Service UI. For more information, refer to Administration page.

The IP Space page contains the following five tabs:
  • Address Space

  • DHCPv4 Ranges (only on the Network level)

  • Deployment Options

  • Deployment Roles

Option/Section Description
Configuration and View

Default: The Configuration and View as configured in BlueCat Address Manager (BAM).

To change the Configuration and View, select the required option from the Configuration and View drop down lists, respectively.

IP Tree

Displays the IP blocks, IP networks, and their IP address ranges in tree view.

You can search by IP address in the Search Network search field.

If you select an IP block in the tree view, the following information is displayed:
  • Name—the name of the IP block
  • CIDR—the Classless Inter-Domain Routing Address (CIDR)
  • Type—the type of IP block. This can be IPv4 or IPv6
If you select an IP network in the tree view, the following information is displayed:
  • Name—the name of the IP network
  • CIDR—the Classless Inter-Domain Routing Address (CIDR)
  • Gateway—the Gateway IP address of the IP network.
  • Type—the type of IP network. This can be IPv4 or IPv6
  • Template Name—the name of the template used to create the selected network. This value can be empty if no template was used.

You can also see the usage percentages for the selected IP block or IP network in the Metrics tab.