Introduction to Quick Service - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 24.4

Quick Service Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

BlueCat Adaptive Applications are licensed, out-of-the-box applications that provide users with advanced DDI functionality with minimal configuration. Adaptive applications extend the functionality of BlueCat DNS Integrity — BlueCat's core adaptive DNS platform.

Quick Service is a standalone adaptive application that provides users with granular access to the following key features of BlueCat Address Manager (BAM) without needing complete access to BAM:

Users and user groups

All Quick Service users are assigned user groups and the permissions assigned to these user groups determine the level of access. User groups help you organize and manage users, and make it easy to assign common access rights to many users at once. User groups in Quick Service are populated from BlueCat Gateway and are defined by a BlueCatGateway user-defined field (UDF) in BAM. The default user groups are admin.

Users in the admin user group are referred to as Administrators; they have full access to the Quick Service user interface (UI) and can assign permissions to user groups and customize what users can view and edit in the Quick Service UI. For details, refer to Administration page. Based on the permissions assigned to their user group, users can access these features easily by using the Quick Service UI.
Note: Data in the Quick Service UI is automatically populated from Address Manager.
Permission Description


Read-only access to the Quick Service UI.


Full access to the Quick Service UI; can create and edit all settings (except Administration settings that only Administrators have access to).