Transactions page - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 24.4

Quick Service Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

The transactions page displays a table with a list of DELETE transaction created in Address Manager within the last 10 days. Administrators can see all transactions for all users while non-administrative users can only see transactions executed by that user.

If you are in a user group with Read-Write permissions, you can view, add, and update values within the transaction page. You can also restore selected transactions to undo any changes that were made as part of the transactions.

If you are in a user group with Read-only permissions, you can only view the values.

From the table, you can perform the following actions.
Note: The columns in this table are fixed and cannot be modified by administrators using the settings or table configurations.
Field Description
ID The unique ID of the transaction
Operation The name and type of operations that was performed as part of the selected transaction. The following are some examples of transactions:





You can sort the operations by selecting the column.

User The user that initiated the transaction.

You can sort the operations by selecting the column.

Date and time The date and time when the transaction was initiated in the following format:

MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss AM/PM Time Zone

You can sort the operations by selecting the column.

Description The description of the initiated transaction.
Restored Indicates whether the transaction was restored.
Actions Clicking on the ellipses icon under Actions displays the View transaction details button.

Clicking the button displays a pop-up that displays a list of changes that can be performed as part of the transaction. The pop-up displays the following columns:

  • Operation type

  • Object type

    Note: You can sort the operations by selecting the column.
  • Object Id

    Note: You can sort the operations by selecting the column.
  • Name

If the transaction was not previously restored, the Restore button is available. Selecting this button restores the selected transaction. A notification appears indicating whether the restoration was successful.

If the transaction was already restored, the Dismiss button is available. Selecting this button closes the pop-up.