Installing the Reporting Package - Adaptive Plugins - BlueCat Gateway - 20.6.1

Reporting Package Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

Before you begin, you must download the latest Reporting Package Adaptive Plugin from Quay.

Downloading and installing from Quay

  • You must have purchased the Reporting Package Adaptive Plugin from BlueCat.
  • You must have a Quay account.

    For more information on setting up your Quay account, refer to the information that was provided when you purchased Gateway Support from BlueCat.

  • You must have a Docker CLI password.

    You can create one by clicking Generate Encrypted Password under Docker CLI Password on the Account Settings page in Quay.

To install the custom Gateway image:
  1. From the server that is running the Reporting Package Adaptive Plugin, run the following commands from the terminal:
    docker login
    Username: <quay_username>
    Password: <quay_password>
  2. Review the ports used on the host machine that is installing the Gateway instance using the following command:
    sudo docker ps -a
    In the following example output, ports 80 and 443 are used:
    STATUS          PORTS                                         NAMES
    Up 34 minutes>8000/tcp,>44300/tcp  gateway_20_3_1
  3. Run the custom Gateway image using the following command:
    docker run -d \
    -p <http_port>:8000 \
    -p <https_port>:44300 \
    -v <path_to_mapped_log_directory_for_system_logs>:/logs/ \
    -e BAM_IP=<your_bam_ip_address>  \
    --name <gateway_container_name> \

    Where <http_port> and <https_port> represent different ports than those used by the Gateway instance. For example, you can set port 81 as the <http_port> and port 444 as the <https_port> values.

Understanding the docker run command

The following table describes the different code segments and variables of the docker run command:
Code Segment Description
docker run This section is used to run a command in a new Docker container.
-d This flag indicates that the Docker container is to run in detached mode. The Docker container runs in the background of your terminal and does not receive and input or display any output.
-p <http_port>:8000

-p <https_port>:44300

This variable specifies the allocation of ports to be used:
  • Port 8000 in the container is allocated to the defined <http_port> on the Docker host.
  • Port 44300 in the container is allocated to the defined <https_port> on the Docker host.
-v <path_to_mapped_log_directory _for_system_logs>:/logs/ This variable maps a Docker logs volume (recommended) or a logs directory on your local machine.
-e BAM_IP=<your_bam_ip_address> This environment variable is used to specify the IP address of the Address Manager server that you wish to integrate with Gateway. You must enter the Address Manager IP as an environment variable when running the Gateway container for the first time.
--name <gateway_container_name> This variable Indicates the name of the container. By default, the name of the container is bluecat_gateway; however, you can change this to reflect the needs of your environment. This section refers to the Gateway image tag from which the container will be created. If the image has already been pulled and is available locally, the container will be created from that image. If the image is not available locally, it will be pulled from the cloud registry.