BlueCat Address Manager Python API - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 22.4.1

Gateway Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

The BlueCat Python API is a set of wrapper classes abstracting the functionality of the BlueCat Address Manager API Client along with certain other BAM and BDDS functions (for example, dynamic updates to host records).

The standard usage pattern is to get an instance of the Python API client through flask.g.user. Below is an example Gateway endpoint that returns the names and addresses of servers under a given BAM configuration:
from flask import g, jsonify

from main_app import app
from bluecat import route
from bluecat_libraries.address_manager.constants.object_type import ObjectType
from bluecat_libraries.http_client.exceptions import ErrorResponse

@route(app, "/get-servers/<string:config_name>", methods=["GET"])
def get_servers(config_name):

    # Get the API client.
    api = g.user.get_api().spec_api

        # Obtain the configuration with the given name.
        configuration = api.get_entity_by_name(0, config_name, ObjectType.CONFIGURATION)
        if configuration is None:
            return "Configuration does not exist", 404

        # Obtain servers under the given configuration.
        servers = api.get_entities(configuration["id"], ObjectType.SERVER)

    # If something goes wrong, the API client typically raises `ErrorResponse`. Catch it to handle errors.
    except ErrorResponse as e:
        return e.message, 500

    # Return server names and addresses.
    return jsonify(
            {"name": server["name"], "address": server["properties"]["servicesIPv4Address"]}
            for server in servers
An alternative object-oriented approach may be available for certain operations, as shown below.
Note: BlueCat encourages using the Python API client in the style of the first example since it more comprehensively covers the BAM and BDDS functionality.
from flask import g, jsonify

from main_app import app
from bluecat import route
from bluecat.api_exception import APIException

@route(app, "/get-servers/<string:config_name>", methods=["GET"])
def get_servers(config_name):

    # Get the OO API client.
    api = g.user.get_api()

        # Obtain the configuration with the given name.
        configuration = api.get_configuration(config_name)

        # Obtain servers under the given configuration.
        servers = configuration.get_servers()

    # If something goes wrong, the OO API client typically raises `APIException`. Catch it to handle errors.
    except APIException as e:
        return e.get_message(), 500

    # Return server names and addresses.
    return jsonify(
            {"name":, "address": server.get_service_ip4_addresses()[0]}
            for server in servers
In case a BAM endpoint does not yet have a corresponding wrapper in the Python API client, the client can simulate calls to that endpoint directly. Below is the same get-servers example reworked to make such calls:
from flask import g, jsonify

from main_app import app
from bluecat import route
from bluecat_libraries.address_manager.constants.object_type import ObjectType
from bluecat_libraries.http_client.exceptions import ErrorResponse

@route(app, "/get-servers/<string:config_name>", methods=["GET"])
def get_servers(config_name):

    # Get the raw client.
    api = g.user.get_api().raw_api

        # Obtain the configuration with the given name.
        configuration = api.getEntityByName(parentId=0, name=config_name, type=ObjectType.CONFIGURATION)
        if configuration["id"] == 0:
            return "Configuration does not exist", 404

        # Obtain up to 10 servers under the given configuration.
        servers = api.getEntities(parentId=configuration["id"], type=ObjectType.SERVER, start=0, count=10)

    # If something goes wrong, the raw client typically raises `ErrorResponse`. Catch it to handle errors.
    except ErrorResponse as e:
        return e.message, 500

    # Extract server names and addresses.
    out = []
    for server in servers:
        # The `getEntities` method returns properties as a string of the form `k1=v1|k2=v2|...`
        for kv in server["properties"].split("|"):
            k, v = kv.split("=", maxsplit=1)
            if k == "servicesIPv4Address":
                out.append({"name": server["name"], "address": v})

    return jsonify(out)
Note: For complete code samples for API refer to the BlueCat Gateway WebHelp and Documentation.