Enabling HTTPS for Gateway using custom SSL certificates - Platform - BlueCat Gateway - 22.4.1

Gateway Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

To configure the HTTPS certificates used by BlueCat Gateway when accessed over HTTPS, you must store TLS/SSL certificates for Gateway in your workspace. You can use custom certificates with both custom and built-in workspaces.

Note: Versions of BlueCat Gateway prior to v21.5.1 required you to edit the configuration file (.conf) for the HTTPS Apache host to set TLS/SSL certificates. This direct change in host configuration is no longer needed. If this is your current setup, see the next section for details on updating your system.

To upload certificates using the Gateway UI:

  1. Log in to BlueCat Gateway.

  2. Select Administration > General Configuration.
  3. Click Certificates.
  4. Under Gateway, in the SSL Certificate field, click Browse and add the custom SSL certificate file (*.crt file) that you want Gateway to use.

  5. In the SSL Certificate Key field, click Browse and add the corresponding key file (*.key) for that SSL certificate.

To install certificate files manually:

Install the files in the following locations, relative to the workspace root:

  1. Store the certificate's crt file as certificates/server/gateway.crt, in PEM (Privacy-Enhanced Mail) format. This may include intermediate CA certificates. For more details, see Apache's SSLCertificateFile directive.
  2. Store the certificate's key file for the certificate as certificates/server/gateway.key

After copying certificate files to the workspace, restart the container.