Configuring the network configuration using cloud-init - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

VM Installation Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

You can use cloud-init to easily configure the Address Manager or DNS/DHCP Server network configuration information on your VM by creating a local ISO image that contains the network information and mounting the ISO to an installed Address Manager or DNS/DHCP Server VM.

To configure the network configuration using cloud-init

  1. Log in to a local Linux machine using the command line.
  2. Create a file that contains the cloud-init configuration information for the DNS/DHCP Server network information that you would like to configure.
    The following contains an example of the contents of a file called user-data:
       ipaddr: ""
       cidr: "24"
       gateway: ""
       hostname: "bluecat"
    Attention: The IP address configured in the ipaddr field must be the same IP address as the eth0 interface.
  3. Create a metadata configuration file containing dsmode information.
    The following contains an example of the contents of a file called meta-data:
    dsmode: local
  4. From the command line of a Linux machine, generate the ISO file that will contain the Address Manager or DNS/DHCP Server configuration information using the following command:
    genisoimage -output service-config.iso -volid cidata -joliet -rock user-data meta-data

    Where user-data is the name of the server service configuration file and meta-data is the name of the metadata configuration file.

  5. Log in to the VMware vSphere.
  6. Navigate to the location of the Address Manager or DNS/DHCP Server VM to be configured with the server service configuration.
  7. Edit the virtual machine settings so that its virtual CD/DVD device is configured to use the ISO image (instead of the physical CD/DVD drive).
    1. Select the tab for the virtual machine you just created.
    2. Click Edit virtual machine settings.
    3. On the Hardware tab, select CD/DVD drive. On the right side:
      1. Select Connect at power on.
      2. Select Use ISO image file.
      3. Click Browse and navigate to your saved ISO image file.
  8. If your virtual machine is currently powered on, reboot the machine. Otherwise, power on the virtual machine.
    The virtual machine boots from the ISO image and cloud-init configures the selected Address Manager or DNS/DHCP Server.