Use the virtual shell: virsh to install your BlueCat virtual
machine in KVM using the command line.
To install VMs in KVM using the command line:
Copy your downloaded tarball and its associated MD5 file to the KVM host
machine, and check if the archives are OK.
Run the tar -xz0f command to unpackage your virtual
machine disk image (the raw file) and preserve the thin-provisioning of the VM,
then unpackage the XML configuration file.
Update the XML file with the name, architecture type, emulator, network
settings, and absolute path to your VM image. For more information about
updating the XML file, refer to Updating an XML file in KVM.
Run the define command to install your VM. Verify that the
VM has been added as defined in the XML file.
# virsh define bdds_kvm_9.3.0-XXX.GA.bcn_amd64.xml
Run start command to launch the installed VM.
# virsh start <your_VM_name>
An ID number will be issued once the VM starts. You can either use this
ID number or the name to identify the VM in subsequent commands.
Run the console command to connect to the system.
# virsh console <your_VM_name>
Press ENTER. The VM login screen opens.
This completes the installation of your virtual machine in a KVM environment via
command line.