Setting an IPv4 address - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

VM Installation Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Configure an IPv4 address and netmask.

Running the set address command with an IPv4 address on eth0 automatically configures the Primary Service IPv4. Use caution if modifying interfaces from the Administration Console as running the set address command will overwrite any existing Primary Service IPs, resulting in a loss of service.

Configure an IPv4 address and netmask from within the set address command using CIDR notation.

Available interfaces on Address Manager and DNS/DHCP Server are:
  • Address Manager—eth0, eth1 (network redundancy; hardware appliances only)
  • DNS/DHCP Server—eth0, eth1 (xHA Backbone), eth2 (Dedicated Management), eth3 (hardware appliances only), bond0*, vlan-interface**

    *Only available once a bonding interface has been created (port bonding on hardware appliances only).

    **Only available when VLAN interfaces have been configured.

Note: If you are changing an existing IPv4 address or its netmask, ensure that both remain valid with the existing gateway.
Note: Upon initial configuration, the Address Manager server restarts after saving interface settings (Address Manager only).
  • You can't configure interface and network settings of DNS/DHCP Server appliances that are part of a functioning xHA pair. Configure interface and network settings before creating a high availability pair.
  • You can't configure interfaces if the DNS/DHCP Server is under Address Manager control. Remove the DNS/DHCP Server from Address Manager control to configure interfaces.
  • You can't configure interfaces if network redundancy (bonding) is enabled. Disable redundancy from the Administration Console to configure interfaces. Disabling bonding will also remove the DNS/DHCP Server from Address Manager control.
Note: The set address command adds and configures a primary service address in one step, and may not be allowed in cases where VLAN interfaces are present. Use add address and set primary to configure interfaces if VLAN interfaces are present. Removing VLAN interfaces will also allow set address to be used again.

To configure an IPv4 address and netmask:

  1. Log in to the Address Manager Administration Console.
  2. From Main Session mode, type configure interfaces and press ENTER.
  3. Type modify <interface> and press ENTER.
  4. Type set address <ipv4address/CIDR> and press ENTER.
  5. Type save and press ENTER. The Administration Console saves your settings.
  6. Type exit and press ENTER until you return to Main Session mode.
Once you have set the IP address and netmask and saved your settings, you must set the default IP gateway from Network Configuration mode.