Setting the Primary Service IP address - BlueCat Integrity - 9.6.0

VM Installation Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

DNS/DHCP Servers employ Primary Service IP addresses to support VLAN tagging, multiple service IP addresses, and bonding interfaces. The Primary Service IP address is the principal address for DNS service regardless of the number of IP addresses configured on the Service interface (by default, eth0).

Running the set address command from the Administration Console automatically configures the Primary Service IPv4 or IPv6 address, respectively. However, customers configuring VLAN interfaces or bonding interfaces (or both) can run the set primary command from the DNS/DHCP Server Administration Console to change the Primary Service IP address manually.

  • The Primary Service IP can only be configured on DNS/DHCP Server appliances and VMs.
  • There can be only one primary IPv4 address and one primary IPv6 address on a managed DNS/DHCP Server.
  • For dual-stack configurations, the IPv4 and IPv6 primary service addresses must be set on the same interface (or subinterface). Setting a new primary address on an interface will unset any primary addresses configured on other interfaces.
  • The configured primary address on DNS/DHCP servers is not the same as the Linux kernel primary address. When multiple IP addresses are configured on a single interface, the address set as primary on DNS/DHCP servers may not match the primary address listed when retrieving interface details with the Linux ip command.
Warning: Changing the Primary Service IP address

The Primary Service IP address can't be removed. However, it can be changed and/or configured on a different Service interface (for example, if the Primary IP is currently set on eth0 and you want to set it on VLAN eth0.100). BlueCat advises extreme caution if attempting to change the Primary Service IP address and/or associated Service interface. Changing the Primary Service IP address and/or associated Service interface may result in a restart of all running services associated with that Service interface (such as services running on additional IP addresses, loopback addresses, and VLAN interfaces) and loss of connectivity.

To set the Primary Service IP address:

  1. Log in to the Address Manager Administration Console.
  2. From Main Session mode, type configure interfaces and press ENTER.
  3. Type modify <interface> and press ENTER.
  4. Type set primary <ipv4|ipv6address> and press ENTER.
    Note: The set primary command acts on addresses that already exist on the interface. If an address is not yet present on the interface, such as for a newly added VLAN interface, an address must first be added to the interface with add address then set with set primary. For information on how to add VLAN interfaces from the Administration Console, see Adding a VLAN interface.
  5. Type save and press ENTER. The Administration Console saves your settings.
  6. Type exit and press ENTER until you return to Main Session mode.
Adonis> configure interfaces
Adonis:configure:interfaces> modify eth0.1
Adonis:configure:interface:eth0.1> set primary
Adonis:configure:interface:eth0.1> save
Saved interface successfully