You can use this workflow independently to clone a Linux VM and allocate IPAM resources for it, or use this in another workflow. For more information on using this workflow in another workflow, refer to VMware vRealize Orchestrator documentation.
To use BCN Clone Linux with a single NIC workflow:
- Under Library, select Workflows.
- Select ... next to the name of the workflow and select Run.
Follow the instructions and complete the mandatory fields and click
You can also set the optional parameters. For details about how to work with workflows, refer to VMware vRealize Orchestrator documentation.The workflow's input parameters are as follows:
- BAM connection profile name—specify a profile that was created in the vRO configuration.
- Configuration name—specify an existing Address Manager configuration in which to allocate IPAM resources.
- View name—specify an existing Address Manager View within the specified Address Manager configuration in which to allocate IPAM resources.
- IP network from where to request the IP address—specify the IP network that was created in Address Manager for BlueCat Address Manager vRO Plugin to use.
- Domain name for creating the DNS record—specify the Address Manager zone in which to create the DNS record.
- Allow creation of duplicate hostname in Address Manager. Duplicate hostnames will resolve to different IP address in DNS round-robin—select Yes if you want to allow creation of duplicate hostnames in Address Manager.
- Virtual machine to clone—specify the virtual
machine template that you wish to clone.Note: A Linux virtual machine template configured with the latest VMware tools must be prepared for this workflow in order to be specified for cloning.
- New virtual machine name—enter a descriptive name for a virtual machine that you are cloning.
- Mark the new virtual machine as a template—select Yes if you want to mark the new virtual machine as a template.
- Power on the new virtual machine—select Yes if you want to power on the new virtual machine upon completion.
- Resource pool—specify a resource pool in which to create the virtual machine.
- Host on which to create the virtual machine—specify a host on which to create the virtual machine.
- Virtual machine folder—specify a folder in which to create the virtual machine.
- Datastore in which to store the virtual machine. If not specified, the current datastore is used—specify a datastore in which to store the virtual machine.
- Hostname or prefix name of the Linux client—specify the hostname or prefix name of the Linux client.
- Network on which attach the virtual network interface—specify the network on which to attach the virtual network interface.
- List of DNS servers for a virtual network adapter with a static IP address—specify a list of DNS servers for a virtual network adapter with a static IP address. If this list is not specified, DNS query from the created VM will not be resolved.
- List of name resolution suffixes for the virtual network adapter—specify a list of name resolution suffixes for the virtual network adapter.