Installing the database and configuring credentials - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 22.1

BlueCat Health Monitoring Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

The first component to set up when installing BlueCat Health Monitoring is the database. Before you begin, make sure you have downloaded and configured the docker-compose installation package from the BlueCat Care portal, as detailed in Pre-installation files and environment variables.

Login and start the database container
  1. Login to to access the private repository for the BlueCat Health Monitoring Adaptive Application.
    docker login
  2. Run the database container with docker-compose.
    docker-compose -f db-docker-compose.yml up -d
Verify the database is ready to accept connections
When starting the database for the first time, it may take a few minutes for the database to be ready to accept connections. Verify the database is ready by checking the container logs.
  1. Retrieve the container logs for the database.
    docker logs <db container name or ID>
  2. Look for the following line in the container logs. If the line is present, the database is ready.
    Created default superuser role 'cassandra'
Change the default database password and username
  1. Start the CQLSH shell using the default credentials for user ‘cassandra’ with password ‘cassandra’.
    docker exec -it bhm_db cqlsh -u cassandra -p cassandra
  2. Create a new database user with a unique name, and disable the default 'cassandra' user.
    Note: The database forces all names to be lowercase. To preserve case or use special characters in the user name, enclose the name in single quotes.
    CREATE ROLE <username> WITH PASSWORD = '<password>' AND LOGIN = true AND SUPERUSER = true;
    ALTER ROLE cassandra with LOGIN = false;
  3. Validate that you are able to connect to the database with the new username (enter password at prompt).
    docker exec -it bhm_db cqlsh -u <username>
  4. OPTIONAL: Remove the default 'cassandra' user from the database.
    DROP ROLE cassandra;