HTTP headers - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager RESTful v2 API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity
The v9.5.0 Address Manager RESTful v2 API supports the following HTTP headers to provide additional options when creating and updating v2 API resources:
Note: The following HTTP headers are not documented in the 9.5.0 RESTful v2 API Swagger UI / OpenAPI document, aside from x-bcn-change-control-comment. Applicable endpoints for undocumented headers are listed in the table below.
HTTP Header Used For Action Applicable Endpoints
x-bcn-change-control-comment Adding a change control comment Adds a change control comment.

Documented in the 9.5.0 RESTful v2 API Swagger UI / OpenAPI document

x-bcn-link-to-external-host Creating and updating Alias, MX, and SRV records (Only when provided with an absolute name) Indicates whether the linked record is an external host.

POST /api/v2/templates/{collectionId}/resourceRecords

POST /api/v2/zones/{collectionId}/resourceRecords

PUT /api/v2/resourceRecords/{id}

x-bcn-reuse-existing Creating IPv4 blocks and networks Indicates whether preexisting empty ranges will be searched when using the `DEPTH_FIRST` traversal method to determine the starting address of the block/network.

POST /api/v2/blocks/{collectionId}/blocks

POST /api/v2/blocks/{collectionId}/networks

x-bcn-traversal-method Creating IPv4 blocks and networks Sets the algorithm used to determine the starting address of the block/network when only a size was provided for the `range` value.

POST /api/v2/blocks/{collectionId}/blocks

POST /api/v2/blocks/{collectionId}/networks

POST /api/v2/blocks/{collectionId}/imports

x-bcn-no-gateway Creating and updating IPv4 networks Indicates whether the IPv4 network should not contain a gateway address.

POST /api/v2/blocks/{collectionId}/networks

POST /api/v2/blocks/{collectionId}/imports

PUT /api/v2/networks/{id}

x-bcn-create-reverse-record Assigning IPv4/IPv6 addresses Indicates whether a reverse record should be created for the host.

POST /api/v2/networks/{collectionId}/addresses

POST /api/v2/networks/{collectionId}/imports

x-bcn-override-naming-policy Creating and updating resource records Indicates whether to override the naming policy for the view or zone when creating the resource record.

POST /api/v2/networks/{collectionId}/addresses

POST /api/v2/networks/{collectionId}/imports

POST /api/v2/zones/{collectionId}/imports

PUT /api/v2/resourceRecords/{id}

POST /api/v2/resourceRecords/{id}

POST /api/v2/templates/{collectionId}/resourceRecords

POST /api/v2/workflowRequests/{collectionId}/resourceRecords

POST /api/v2/zones/{collectionId}/resourceRecords

x-bcn-allow-multi-label-zone-names Creating and updating zones Indicates whether a dotted zone name will be used when an absolute name is specified, instead of creating non-existent subzones.

POST /api/v2/views/{collectionId}/imports

PUT /api/v2/views/{collectionId}/imports

POST /api/v2/views/{collectionId}/zones

POST /api/v2/workflowRequests/{collectionId}/zones

POST /api/v2/zones/{collectionId}/zones

x-bcn-allow-address-overlap Auto-creation of networks when creating or updating resource records Indicates whether IP address overlap detection will be overridden for auto-created networks.

POST /api/v2/zones/{collectionId}/imports

PUT /api/v2/resourceRecords/{id}

POST /api/v2/addresses/{collectionId}/resourceRecords

POST /api/v2/templates/{collectionId}/resourceRecords

POST /api/v2/workflowRequests/{collectionId}/resourceRecords

POST /api/v2/zones/{collectionId}/resourceRecords

PATCH /api/v2/workflowRequests/{id}

x-bcn-orphaned-address-state Updating DHCPv4 ranges Indicates the state to assign DHCP allocated IPv4 addresses that are no longer part of the resized range.

DELETE /api/v2/resourceRecords/{id}

PUT /api/v2/resourceRecords/{id}

x-bcn-auto-create-network Creating and updating resource records Indicates whether a network will be automatically created if a network containing the IP address or addresses specified in the resource record does not already exist.

POST /api/v2/zones/{collectionId}/imports

PUT /api/v2/resourceRecords/{id}

POST /api/v2/addresses/{collectionId}/resourceRecords

POST /api/v2/templates/{collectionId}/resourceRecords

POST /api/v2/zones/{collectionId}/resourceRecords

x-bcn-same-as-zone Creating and updating resource records Indicates whether the zone name will be used for the resource record name.

POST /api/v2/zones/{collectionId}/imports

PUT /api/v2/resourceRecords/{id}

POST /api/v2/workflowRequests/{collectionId}/resourceRecords

POST /api/v2/zones/{collectionId}/resourceRecords

x-bcn-reset-services Updating DNS/DHCP Servers Indicates whether to reset configurations for DNS, DHCP, and TFTP services on the DNS/DHCP Server. Refer to the Swagger documentation for more information.

PUT /api/v2/servers/{id}

x-bcn-reset-replication Removing Address Manager servers from replication clusters Indicates whether to reset replication on the Address Manager server, returning the server to its original stand-alone state.

DELETE /api/v2/databases/{collectionId}/servers/{id}

x-bcn-force-failover Updating Address Manager servers in replication clusters Indicates whether to initiate failover on the primary Address Manager server in the database replication cluster.

PATCH /api/v2/databases/{collectionId}/servers/{id}

x-bcn-force-undo Undoing transactions Indicates whether to force undo a transaction if the undo operation is blocked due to broken optional resource dependencies.

POST /api/v2/transactions