Gets a list domain lists with names containing the search fragment, stopping with the desired result count is reached.
GET https://api-<BlueCat.edge.url>/v1/api/list/dns/search?nameContains={fragment}&desiredResultCount={100}
Authorization: Bearer authorization token
Content-type: application/JSON
Successful response
"id": "662952c8-be70-4732-bd62-c9e4422fdb0a",
"name": "Global Allow List",
"description": "Sites to always allow",
"domainCount": "110",
"sourceType": "dynamic" or "user"
"sourceConfiguration": {
"hostName": "",
"privateKey": "*****: '******'",
"filePath": "/path/path",
"port": 22,
"tranferType": "rsyncSSH",
"user": "SSH user",
"publicHostKey": "public host key",
"syncRate": 5,
"lastSyncStatus": "SUCCESS | ERROR | IN_PROGRESS"
"lastSyncTime": 12345
"lastSuccessSyncTime": 12345
"lastSyncErrorCode": "SYNC_INITIATE_ERROR" }
Note: If the sourceType for a domain list is "user",
the source configuration information isn't returned. Source configuration information
is only retured when the sourceType is dynamic.
Possible error codes
- UNAUTHORIZED - Missing or invalid token