/v1/api/loggingEndpoints/{loggingEndpointId} (DELETE) - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v3.x.x

BlueCat Edge API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v3.x.x

Deletes a logging endpoint by ID.

DELETE https://api-<BlueCat.edge.url>/v1/api/loggingEndpoints/{loggingEndpointId}
Authorization: Bearer token
Content-Type: application/json       

Successful response

204 NO CONTENT        
Possible error codes
  • 401 Unauthorized - Missing or invalid token
  • 403 Forbidden - You are not authorized to perform this action
  • 404 Not Found - No resource was found with the specified ID.
  • 409 Conflict - The resource is used by a site and cannot be deleted.
  • 500 Internal Server Error - An internal server error occurred, contact application support.