Connecting to virtual appliances - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

BlueCat Azure Virtual Appliances

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

To connect to your BlueCat Azure Virtual Appliances, you must log in as the bluecat user via SSH with the generated key pair file.

Attention: In accordance with Azure best practices, SSH root account login is disabled for BlueCat Azure Virtual Appliances .
Before you begin
  • Before you connect to BlueCat Address Manager for Azure using SSH, ensure that the BlueCat Address Manager for AzureUI is accessible.
To connect your instances via SSH:
ssh -i <key_pair_file_name> bluecat@<eth0_ip>

After successfully connecting to your instances, you can now access the BlueCat Azure Virtual Appliances command-line interface using sudo su - admin.

You can also access the root account using sudo bash.

Note: BlueCat Azure Virtual Appliances include a default SSH client timeout interval of 180 seconds. Customers should be aware of this in the event they are running mixed environments with physical DNS/DHCP server appliances which have a default SSH client timeout interval of 300 seconds.