BlueCat Adaptive Applications are licensed, out-of-the-box applications that provide you with advanced DDI functionality with minimal configurations. Adaptive Applications extend the functionality of the BlueCat core Adaptive DNS platform, DNS Integrity, in specific areas to drive increased customer value and competitive differentiation.
The BlueCat Overlay Adaptive Application provides visibility into Microsoft DNS and DHCP
servers by relaying information back to your Address Manager server. The solution
consists of three major components:
- BlueCat Address Manager
- BlueCat Gateway
- Microsoft Windows Servers
Address Manager is used to store and visualize the DNS and DHCP data that is gathered
from Microsoft Windows server. This is beneficial if you have:
- An existing BlueCat infrastructure with an extended Microsoft environment that requires visibility into both spaces under a consolidated view within Address Manager.
- A new environment where BlueCat IPAM acts as an overlay on Microsoft DNS and DHCP servers.
The data from Microsoft Windows Servers is collected using remote PowerShell commands
that are executed on the Microsoft servers. This data is then captured by BlueCat
Gateway where it is processed and passed to Address Manager using the Address Manager
Note: If Address Manager and Microsoft servers are configured with SSL/TLS
certificates, the remote execution commands and data are transferred over secure
HTTPS connections.