Changes in behaviour - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 23.1.1

Cloud Discovery & Visibility Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

Recent versions of Cloud Discovery & Visibility also introduce the following changes:

Updates to nomenclature in Visibility history section

The nomenclature used for displaying statuses and actions have been updated for consistency across all cloud platforms. Starting in Cloud Discovery & Visibility v23.1, the following status and action terms are used:
  • Status types: Passed, Failed, and Ignore
  • Action types: Create, Update, and Delete

Updates to CIDR information imported when the Public IP Ranges discovery option is selected

Previously, the Public IP Ranges discovery option would import all public cloud address space information into Address Manager. Starting in Cloud Discovery & Visibility v23.1, the Public IP Ranges option only imports public cloud address space information of virtual machines and load balancers.

When this option is unchecked, the virtual machine and load balancer information is still imported into Address Manager; however, the IP ADDRESSES of Public virtual machine and load balancer devices within Address Manager will be blank.

Discovery and History information is removed when a Visibility job is terminated

Previously, the discovery and visibility history information of terminated visibility jobs would remain in Cloud Discovery & Visibility. Starting in Cloud Discovery & Visibility v23.1, when a visibility job is terminated, the associated discovery and visibility history information is also deleted from Cloud Discovery & Visibility.

Blocks and Networks with the same CIDR as imported Block and Networks will no longer have their names changed

Previously, when a block or network existed in Address Manager and Cloud Discovery & Visibility imported a block or network with the same CIDR as the existing Address Manager objects, Cloud Discovery & Visibility would rename the Address Manager objects to normalize the blocks and networks with the same CIDR. Starting in Cloud Discovery & Visibility v23.1, CD&V no longer renames the blocks or networks and retains the original name when importing the object.

Changes to retention history of Discovery History table

Previously, Cloud Discovery & Visibility would only display the last discovery call within the Discovery History table. Starting in Cloud Discovery & Visibility v23.1, the Discovery History table displays the last two discovery calls.

Changes to retention history of Visibility History table

Previously, Cloud Discovery & Visibility would display all visibility updates within the Visibility History table. Starting in Cloud Discovery & Visibility v23.1, the Visibility History table displays the last ten visibility updates.

(AWS) Changes to AWS role ARN used for discovery with AWS role assumption configured

Previously, when Cloud Discovery & Visibility performed a discovery, CD&V would use a pre-defined constant of CloudAtlas42476 as the AWS user when performing the discovery with a role assumption. Starting in Cloud Discovery & Visibility v23.1, when a user enables AWS role assumption and enters an AWS role ARN when configuring discovery, the AWS role ARN will be used as the AWS user.

Updates to the Address Manager Username visibility option

Previously, the Address Manager Username visibility field allowed you to specify the Address Manager credentials that you would like to use to import visibility information into Address Manager. Starting in Cloud Discovery & Visibility v23.1, the Address Manager Username field is automatically populated with the username of the user currently logged into the Cloud Discovery & Visibility instance. However, you can modify the username of the Address Manager user if required.