Adding an API user to manage and configure DRP workflow - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 3.0.8

Device Registration Portal Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

Add a new administrative user in Address Manager with access to API.

Prerequisites: Before performing this task, ensure you have already created the BlueCatGateway user-defined field (UDF) in Address Manager.

Create a BlueCat Gateway administrative user in Address Manager with access to API. You must assign the user admin to the BlueCatGateway UDF value for the user to be able to view workflows on the BlueCat Gateway user interface.

To create a BlueCat Gateway user:

  1. Log in to the Address Manager as an administrator.
  2. Select the Administration tab.
  3. Under User Management, click Users and Groups then click New.
  4. Under User, enter drp_admin in the Username field.
  5. Under Authentication, type and confirm the user’s Address Manager password in the Password and Confirm Password fields.
  6. Under Extra Information, set the following:
    • E-mail Address—the user’s email address (required).
    • Phone Number—the user’s phone number.
  7. Under User Access, define the user type, security and history privileges, and access type:
    • Type of User—select Administrator.
      Note: Only Administrators can be added to BlueCat Gateway User Groups which allow for quick granting of permissions to BlueCat Gateway workflows and operations (optional).
      Note: The Security Privilege and History Privilege drop-down menus become unavailable after selecting the Administrator user type.
    • Access Type—select API.
    • X.509 Required—leave blank.
  8. Under Additional information, type admin in the BlueCatGateway UDF field.
  9. Under Change Control, add comments to describe the changes. By default, this step is optional but might be set as a requirement.
  10. Click Add to create the user.

    The newly created administrator can now manage and configure the DRP workflow.