Address Manager configuration requirements - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 3.0.8

Device Registration Portal Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

This section describes the Address Manager configurations that are required to implement the DRP solution.

DRP Remote Access to Address Manager Database

Address Manager must be updated to allow DRP remote access to the database and API, generate the appropriate tag structure for tracking registered users, and create the proper configuration to support DRP. To add host access to the database, refer to Adding host access to the database.

  • BlueCat recommends performing the steps in this section in a new or clean Address Manager configuration. If you wish to use an existing configuration for DRP, please contact BlueCat Customer Care.

  • Some of the settings configured in this section will be used when configuring DRP.

  • For detailed instructions on how to configure Address Manager or DNS/DHCP Server, refer to Address Manager Administration Guide.