Performing an offline installation of the Device Registration Portal Docker image - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 3.0.8

Device Registration Portal Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

If you are installing DRP on a device that does not have internet connectivity, you can perform an offline installation. The image is delivered as a tar file (.tar), and it must be obtained from BlueCat Customer Care. Once obtained, copy the tar file to your host machine and use the ‘docker load’ command to install the image.

To install DRP using a tarball file from Customer Care:
  1. Download the DRP tar file from BlueCat Customer Care.
  2. Copy the file to the host machine.
  3. From the Linux console of the host machine, run the following command:
    docker load -i <path_to_image_tar_file>
  4. Starting the container:
    1. Run the following command to set passcode:
      docker run -d \
      -p 80:8000 \
      -p 443:44300 \
      -v <path_to_mapped_log_directory>:/logs/ \
      -v <configs_volume>:/portal/bluecat_portal/workflows/drp_workflow/configs \
      -v <drpworkspace_volume>:/builtin \
      -e BAM_IP=<your_bam_ip_address> \
      -e DRP_PASSCODE=<your_passcode> \
      --name <your_container_name> <image_name>:<tag_name>
      Attention: In case you don't provide DRP_PASSCODE or provide an empty string, the passcode falls back to default one passcode. BlueCat strongly recommends changing the passcode and not leave it as default.
    2. Run the docker container ls -a command to see the currently running Docker containers. Make sure the DRP container is on the list.
      Note: You'll be redirected to the DRP client page if you don't provide a passcode or provide an incorrect passcode.
    3. Access to DRP Gateway configuration page:
      1. Open a browser.
      2. In the address bar, enter the DRP address with the passcode as a query parameter. Example:<your_passcode>
      3. Enter your credentials (Username: drp_admin, Password: <passcode>) and click Login.
      • A passcode is configured to access the DRP Workflow for configuration and Gateway administration.
      • You'll be redirected to the DRP client page if you don't provide a passcode or provide an incorrect passcode.
      • Accessing the URL without a passcode always takes you to the DRP client Authentication page.