Configuring Address Manager settings - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 3.0.8

Device Registration Portal Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

Configure settings for your Address Manager server.

You must first set Address Manager connection settings for the DRP server to connect to the Address Manager server. DRP will then be able to gather data on the pre-defined configuration in Address Manager.

  1. Under BlueCat Address Manager Connection Settings, set the following parameters to allow DRP access to your Address Manager server:
    • IP Address—enter the IP address of your Address Manager (formerly Proteus) server.
    • Require SSL—select the checkbox to enable the support for Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol when connecting to Address Manager.
    • API Username—enter the API username set in Address Manager.
    • API Password—enter the API password set in Address Manager.
  2. Click Connect. When DRP has successfully connected to your Address Manager server, the Tag Group Name and Configuration Name fields under BlueCat Address Manager Details will be populated with lists of Tag Groups and Configurations available in Address Manager.
  3. Under BlueCat Address Manager Details, set the following parameters:
    • Tag Group Name—choose the tag group name that you have created from the drop-down menu.
    • Configuration Name—choose the Address Manager Configuration name from the drop-down list that DRP will access.
    • AI Event Notification—select to send Address Intelligence event notification to Address Manager when the device is registered, deleted, or moved across compliance state.
  4. Click Next.

Proceed to the next section to configure registration settings.