GCP Visibility page - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 22.2.2

Cloud Discovery & Visibility Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

The GCP Visibility page displays a table of all configured visibility jobs and all known details about visible discovered objects and a history of when they were last seen. This section is populated only when you select the Enable Visibility after Discovery checkbox in the Visibility Options section.

To view details about specific resources from a job:

  1. Under Visibility Status, select the checkbox next to one or more visibility jobs.

    When you select a visibility job, the Visibility History table displays the resources in your GCP infrastructure that were discovered from the selected jobs.

    Tip: To refresh the status of the selected jobs, click the refresh button ().
  2. Under Visibility History, select the checkbox next to the resource that you want to view.

To view details about specific resources jobs:

  1. Under Visibility Status, select the checkbox next to one or more visibility jobs.

    The Visibility History table displays the objects in your GCP infrastructure that were discovered from the selected jobs.

  2. Under Visibility History, select the checkbox next to the resource you want to view. CDV displays the details it uncovered about the resource, including:
    • The time that the resource was visible

    • The status of the resource

    • The type of resource that was updated

    • The name of the resource

    • The user that made the update