APIUserDefinedField - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity


User-defined fields can be added to each of the Address Manager object types. This class allows API users to query and gather user-defined fields information for a specified object type.


Property name Description Data type Read-only
name The internal name of the user-defined field. string No
displayName The name of the user-defined field that appears to users in the Address Manager interface. string No
type The type of the user-defined field. Types are available as constants in the UserDefinedFieldType class. For available constants, refer to User-defined field type. string No
defaultValue The default value for the user-defined field. string No
validatorProperties The validation properties for the user-defined field. Property names are available as constants in the UserDefinedFieldValidatorProperties class. For available constants, refer to User-defined field validator properties. string No
properties The following property can be used:
  • locales=en-US,ja-JP,zh-CN
Note: You must enable the supported locales in the global settings of the Address Manager user interface before you can use them within UDFs.
string No
predefinedValues The preset values for the user-defined field separated by a | (pipe) character and ending with a pipe character. For example, value1|value2|. string No
required The boolean value. If set to true, users must enter data in the field. boolean No
renderAsRadioButton This has been deprecated. boolean No
hideFromSearch The boolean value. If set to true, the user-defined field is hidden from the search. boolean No


    "name": "...",
    "displayName": "...",
    "type": "...",
    "defaultValue": "...",
    "validatorProperties": "...",
    "properties": "...",
    "predefinedValues": "...",
    "required": true,
    "hideFromSearch": true