Enabling SSL in Java clients - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Before enabling SSL for Java clients, make sure to install the Java Development Kit on your client workstation.

  1. On Address Manager, enable HTTPS support. For instructions on enabling SSL on Address Manager, refer to HTTP and HTTPS support in the Address Manager Administration Guide.
  2. On the client workstation, create a directory to hold the keystore.
  3. On Address Manager, locate the /data/server/conf/server.cert file, and then copy it to the keystore directory on your client workstation. If SSH is enabled on Address Manager, use an SSH client to copy the file.
  4. On the client workstation, navigate to the keystore directory. Ensure that the directory contains the server.cert file.
  5. Run the following command:
    javaHomePath/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias ProteusAPI -file server.cert -keystore client.ks -storepass bluecat
  6. Ensure that a client.ks file has been generated and displays in the keystore directory.
  7. Delete the server.cert file from the keystore directory on the client workstation.
  8. When connecting to service, run the following command to call the ProteusAPIUtils.connect method:
    ProteusAPIUtils.connect(IPAddress, true, pathToClientKeystore\\client.ks);
    where IPAddress is the IP address of the Address Manager server, and pathToClientKeystore is the path to the keystore directory on the client workstation.