Changes in Behavior - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Address Manager API v9.3.0 includes the following changes:

  • The deleteWithOptions API has been enhanced to include the removeMacFromPool option that defines how MAC addresses associated to MAC pools are handled.
  • The uploadResponsePolicyItems API has been deprecated and replaced by uploadResponsePolicyFile.
  • The selectiveDeploy API has been enhanced to allow for the deployment of DNS resource records that have been moved to a new zone. The new zone of the resource record must be deployed to the same DNS/DHCP Server as the previous zone that the resource record was deployed to. You cannot deploy the DNS resource record if the new zone is deployed to a different DNS/DHCP Server.
  • The loginWithOptions API used to authenticate the user session has been updated to support read-only API access. When database replication is configured, you can log in to the Secondary or Tertiary Address Manager server using a read-only session to retrieve information from the Secondary or Tertiary server, reducing the load on the Primary server. For more information, including a list of supported APIs, refer to Read-only API sessions.
  • The addIP4NetworkTemplate API has been deprecated and replaced by addIP4Template.
  • The assignIP4NetworkTemplate API has been deprecated and replaced by assignIP4Template.
  • The unassignIP4NetworkTemplate API has been deprecated and replaced by unassignIP4Template.
  • The applyIP4NetworkTemplate API has been deprecated and replaced by applyIP4Template.
  • The getLinkedNetworkConflicts API has been deprecated and replaced by getLinkedIP4ObjectConflicts.
  • The IP4NetworkTemplate Object Type has been updated to apply to IPv4 Templates and apply to the following IPv4 objects:
    • IPv4 Networks
    • DHCPv4 Reserved Addresses
    • DHCPv4 Ranges
    • IPv4 Blocks
  • The assignIP4Address and assignNextAvailableIP4Address APIs have been enhanced to include the pingBeforeAssign option that defines whether Address Manager pings the IP address before it is assigned.