POST /v1/assignIP4Address - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity


Assigns a MAC address and other properties to an IPv4 address.


Name Description

Location: query

Type: string

This parameter must be set to one of the constants shown in IP assignment action values.

Location: query

Type: integer (int64)

The object ID of the configuration in which the IPv4 address is located.

Location: query

Type: string

A string containing host information for the address in the following format:
  • hostname - The FQDN of the host record to be added.
  • viewId - The object ID of the view under which this host should be created.
  • reverseFlag - The flag indicating if a reverse record should be created. The possible values are true or false.
  • sameAsZoneFlag - The flag indicating if record should be created as same as zone record. The possible values are true or false.

The comma-separated parameters may be repeated in the order shown above. The string must not end with a comma.


Location: query

Type: string

The IPv4 address.

Location: query

Type: string

The MAC address to assign to the IPv4 address. The MAC address can be specified in the format nnnnnnnnnnnn, nn-nn-nn-nn-nn-nn or nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn, where nn is a hexadecimal value.

Location: query

Type: string

A string containing the following property, including user-defined fields:
  • ptrs —a string containing the list of unmanaged external host records to be associated with the IPv4 address in the format:
    viewId,exHostFQDN[, viewId,exHostFQDN,...]
    You can assign External Host records to an IPv4 address using the following method:
    EntityProperties props = new EntityProperties;
    ObjectProperties.ptrs,  "123,,456,"
    long addressId = service.assignIP4Address
    configurationId, IPv4Address, macAddressStr, hostInfo, IPAssignmentActionValues.MAKE_STATIC, props.getPropertiesString;
  • name —name of the IPv4 address.
  • locationCode —the hierarchical location code consists of a set of 1 to 3 alpha-numeric strings separated by a space. The first two characters indicate a country, followed by next three characters which indicate a city in UN/LOCODE. New custom locations created under a UN/LOCODE city are appended to the end of the hierarchy. For example, CA TOR OF1 indicates: CA= Canada TOR=Toronto OF1=Office 1.
    Note: The code is case-sensitive. It must be all UPPER CASE letters. The country code and child location code should be alphanumeric strings.
  • allowDuplicateHost (optional) —check for duplicate hostnames. There are three possible values for this property:
    • Enable—enable the duplicate host checking process. If a duplicate hostname is found, assignment will be refused.
    • Disable—disable the duplicate host checking process. Duplicate hostnames will be allowed.
      Note: Disable is the default value for allowDuplicateHost.
    • Inherit—set to make the hostname use the option specified in the higher-level parent object.
  • pingBeforeAssign (optional) —specifies whether Address Manager performs a ping check before assigning the IP address. The property can be one of the following values:
    • enable —specifies that Address Manager performs a ping check before assigning the IP address.
      • If Address Manager successfully pings the IP address but the address is in use, the following error is returned:
        The address <IP address> is in use.
      • If Address Manager cannot successfully ping the IP address, the following error is returned:
        The address <IP address> is invalid.
    • disable —specifies that Address Manager will not perform a ping check before assigning the IP address.
      Note: This is the default value.


Code Description

Type: integer (int64)

Returns the object ID for the newly assigned IPv4 address.