Audit logs API - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v3.x.x

BlueCat Edge User Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v3.x.x
Returns audit log records of API requests and responses. All parameters are optional. If an API request sent with Content-Type:multipart/form-data included a file, a link to the file is returned.
Attention: You must be a System Admin or Admin to use this API.
Request: GET https://api-<BlueCat.edge.url>/v1/api/audit/logs?offset=10&limit=10&startTime=
Authorization: Bearer token


Name Description Type Required
offset The number of records to skip, from the beginning of the log. For example, offset=100 will return records from 101 to the end of the log. String Optional
limit The maximum number of records to retrieve. String Optional
startTime The start time of the period to return logs for, in ISO_8601 format. String Optional
endTime The end time of the period to return logs for, in ISO_8601 format. String Optional
username To filter log records for a particular user, specify a user name. String Optional

Successful response

200 OK
Content-Type: application/JSON
   "source": {
     "userId": "user ID",
     "ipAddress": "IP address of the user who made the request"
   "request": {
     "url": "API that was called",
     "timestamp": "24843644",
     "payload": "The body of the API request"
   "response": {
     "timestamp": "12193686",
     "status": "200", 
     "mime": "application/json",
     "payload": "The body of the call response"
   "source": {
     "userId": "user ID",
     "ipAddress": "IP address of the user who made the request"
   "request": {
     "url": "API that was called",
     "timestamp": "24843644",
     "payload": "The body of the API request"
   "response": {
     "timestamp": "12193686",
     "status": "200", 
     "mime": "multipart/form-data",
     "payload": "link to the download file"
Possible error codes
  • UNAUTHORIZED - Missing or invalid token
  • FORBIDDEN - You are not authorized to perform this action