Creating a site - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v3.x.x

BlueCat Edge User Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v3.x.x

  1. In the top navigation bar, click and select Sites.
  2. Click New to add a new site, or select an existing site and click Edit, and complete the following information:
    • Name: Enter the site name.
      Note: If you're configuring a site to use a namespace that's configured for the Cisco Umbrella integration, the site name must not be more than 45 characters in length.
    • Location: Enter the site address, city, and country. This will be converted into longitude and latitude when the site is saved.
    • Service Point Version: Select the software version that will be operating on service points deployed from this site.
      • If you are editing a site, you cannot update the service point version.
      • The service point version of the site must be v3.0.6 or greater to deploy a service point on AWS or Azure.
    • Query Logging: Select one or both query logging options. If you selected Custom logging endpoint, select a logging endpoint in the dropdown.
      • You must create at least one logging endpoint to select the Custom logging endpoint option.
      • If the Edge Cloud Console option is not selected, DNS queries will neither be stored nor visible in your Edge Cloud Console.

        For more information on custom logging, refer to Custom Logging.

    • Namespaces: Type the namespace you would like attached to the site. When you type the namespace, you will see suggestions of the existing namespaces that match the entered value. The order in which you add a namespace onto a site is the order in which the service points of that site will process queries. To reorder the namespaces of a site, drag and drop the namespaces in the order you desire.

      Starting in Service Point v3.7.0, when a query comes in for a namespace where all the configured forwarders are unreachable, it temporarily marks all forwarders as down and skips them for any queries in that namespace until they become available. Health checks are performed on the forwarders every second and after 5 failed attempts to resolve a query, it marks the forwarder as down until a single successful response is received.

      If SERVFAIL is added as a condition to the Response Code, the service point will try to resolve the query in the next available namespace configured on the site.

      • You must configure a site with at least one namespace and a maximum of three namespaces.
      • You can override the default forwarder IP addresses by entering a different IP address.
      • To ensure optimal latency in sites using more than three namespaces, BlueCat recommends using Domain Lists to configure appropriate routing criteria.
      Attention: Some namespace features might not be applied as expected on service points within Sites that are running an older service point version. BlueCat recommends running the latest service point version to ensure that all namespace features function as expected.
  3. Click Save to save the new site.
  4. To delete a site, select it and click Delete. The delete button is only active if there are no service points configured for the site and no linked policies.