Updates the namespace specified by namespace ID. Note that all parameters are updated with this action, whether you specify values or not. If you leave a parameter out, its value will be overwritten with no data.
PUT https://api-<BlueCat.edge.url>/v1/api/namespaces/{namespaceId}
Authorization: Bearer token
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "namespace",
"description": "this is a namespace",
"forwarders": ["", ""],
"matchLists": ["domainListId1", "domainListId2"],
"exceptionLists": ["domainListId1", "domainListId2"],
"umbrellaIntegrationId": "<id of umbrella integration>",
"ttl": 60
"staleCacheEntriesTTL": 3600,
"dohEnabled": false,
"retryRCodes": [3, 2],
"ecsConfiguration": {
"v4Prefix": 24,
"v6Prefix": 56,
"override": true
Note: If you don't specify the TTL value, the value defaults to -1.
Successful response
Possible error codes
- 400 Bad Request, TOO_MANY_DOMAIN_LISTS - The namespace can't contain more than 20 domain lists.
- 400 Bad Request, TOO_MANY_DOMAINS - A domain list in the match list contains more than the maximum 100,000 domains allowed.
- 400 Bad Request, TOO_MANY_DOMAINS - A domain list in the exception list contains more than the maximum 100,000 domains allowed.
- 400 Bad Request, DOMAIN_LIST_NOT_FOUND - A domain list in the match list can't be found.
- 400 Bad Request, INVALID_STALE_CACHE_ENTRIES_TTL - Stale cache entries TTL must be one of 0, 3,600, or 86,400 seconds.
- 400 Bad Request, DOMAIN_LIST_NOT_FOUND - A domain list in the exception list can't be found.
- 401 Unauthorized - Missing or invalid token
- 403 Forbidden - You are not authorized to perform this action
- 409 Conflict, NAMESPACE_ALREADY_EXISTS - The namespace name is already in use
- 404 Not Found, NOT_FOUND - No matching namespace found
- 500 Internal Server Error, UNEXPECTED_SERVER_ERROR - Unexpected error while processing the request