Creates a domain list sourced and dynamically updated from a local feed.
POST https://api-<BlueCat.edge.url>/v1/api/list/dns/{domainListId}/sourceConfiguration
Authorization: Bearer authorization token
- hostName: The IP or FQDN of the local feed server. This must be publicly accessible.
- privateKey and publicHostKey: Generated outside of BlueCat Edge. The publicHostKey must be uploaded on the server. These parameters must be entered exactly as they were generated.
- filePath: The absolute path to the domain list file.
- port: The port port that the SSH service is set up to listen on the server. This is usually "22".
- transferType: This is always "rsyncSSH"
- user: The SSH user.
- syncRate:The frequency of sync attempts, in minutes.
Successful response
200 - OK Content-type: text/plain
Possible error codes
- UNAUTHORIZED - Missing or invalid token
- FORBIDDEN - You are not authorized to perform this action