Uploads a CSV file containing a list of domain names to an existing DNS list.
Note: The
client device from which you log in to the BlueCat Edge web application must allow
multipart/form-data uploads.
POST https://api-<BlueCat.edge.url>/v1/api/list/dns/{domainListId}/attachfile
Authorization: Bearer authorization token
Content-type: multipart/form-data
File that contains the domains
Python example
import requests Headers = {"Authorization": "<token>"} Dict = {'file':('myFile.txt',
open('myFile.txt', 'rb'), 'text/plain')} response = requests.post("https://<DNSEdge FQDN>
/v1/api/list/dns/<domain list id>/attachfile", files=Dict, headers=Headers) print(response.content)
Curl example
`curl -X POST https://<DNSEdge FQDN>/v1/api/list/dns/<id>/attachfile -d @<path to file>
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"`
Successful response
200 OK
"numOfValidDomains": "validDomains",
"numOfInvalidDomains": "invalidDomains",
"numOfDuplicateDomains": "duplicateDomains",
"errors": {
"lineNumber": "lineNumber"
"lineContents": "lineContents"
Possible error codes
- UNAUTHORIZED - Missing or invalid token
- FORBIDDEN - You are not authorized to perform this action
- DOMAINLIST_ATTACHED_TO_NAMESPACE_EXCEED_100K_DOMAINS - Domain lists associated with namespaces can't exceed 100,000 domains
- FAILED_TO_GET_ASSOCIATED_NAMESPACE - Error retrieving associated namespace