Reference: Retrieving and updating server services - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

The following section details errors that may occur when using the response from getServerServices to construct JSON bodies for configureServerServices.

Using getServerServices with configureServerServices

If you use the response from the getServerServices method to help construct the JSON body content for the configureServerServices method, some content returned from the getServerServices response may not be complete or compatible within the configureServerServices JSON body, such as the server-version field. BlueCat recommends using a JSON validation tool to validate the response of the getServerServices method and reviewing the examples of valid service configuration JSON body content before proceeding to update the response for use within the JSON body of the configureServerServices API method. For examples of valid configuration JSON body content for each server service, refer to Reference: Server service configuration examples.

Common errors encountered when using the getServerServices response to configure server services:

Unconfigured service responses:
  • Anycast: If Anycast has not been previously configured, getServerServices will return an Anycast configuration JSON incompatible with configureServerServices. The response JSON will not contain the field for type designation (bgp/ospf/rip), and associated fields required for configuring a specific type.
  • SNMP: If SNMP has not been previously configured, getServerServices will return an SNMP configuration JSON incompatible with configureServerServices. The response JSON will contain an empty string for the description which is not compatible with the service configuration schema.
Configured service responses:
  • Anycast BGP: Retrieving previous Anycast BGP configurations with getServerServices will not return the bgpCliPassword field required for configureServerServices. In addition, if Anycast BGP was configured previously without an ip6BgpPeer or ip4BgpPeer, the getServerServices response will include the omitted field as an empty string, which is not compatible with configureServerServices.
  • Anycast OSPF: Retrieving previous Anycast OSPF configurations with getServerServices will not return the password field required for configureServerServices.
  • Anycast RIP: Retrieving previous Anycast RIP configurations with getServerServices will not return the password field required for configureServerServices.
  • Health Telemetry services: Retrieving previous Health Telemetry service configurations with getServerServices will not return the bearer token that may be required for configureServerServices, depending on output type.
    Note: Health telemetry services may need to be stopped before using configureServerServices to update configurations with new information.
  • Edge service point: Retrieving previous Anycast RIP configurations with getServerServices will not return the accessKeySet field required for configureServerServices.
  • Licensing: License details are not returned in the getServerServices JSON response. Refer to Reference: Server service configuration examples for a valid example to use with configureServerServices.
Service configuration override

If you have service configuration override configured for Anycast, NTP, SNMP, or Syslog, the configuration information returned by the getServerServices does not reflect the overridden configuration information for that service. The service configuration information returned by the API reflects the service configuration settings configured using the configureServerServices method or through the Address Manager user interface. An additional serviceConfigurationOverride field is returned with a value of true if service configuration override is configured for that service.