Before enabling SSL for Java clients, make sure to install the Java Development Kit on your client workstation.
- On Address Manager, enable HTTPS support. For instructions on enabling SSL on Address Manager, refer to HTTP and HTTPS support in the Address Manager Administration Guide.
- On the client workstation, create a directory to hold the keystore.
- On Address Manager, locate the /data/server/conf/server.cert file, and then copy it to the keystore directory on your client workstation. If SSH is enabled on Address Manager, use an SSH client to copy the file.
- On the client workstation, navigate to the keystore directory. Ensure that the directory contains the server.cert file.
Run the following command:
javaHomePath/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias ProteusAPI -file server.cert -keystore client.ks -storepass bluecat
- Ensure that a client.ks file has been generated and displays in the keystore directory.
- Delete the server.cert file from the keystore directory on the client workstation.
When connecting to service, run the following command to call the
ProteusAPIUtils.connect method:
ProteusAPIUtils.connect(IPAddress, true, pathToClientKeystore\\client.ks);
where IPAddress is the IP address of the Address Manager server, and pathToClientKeystore is the path to the keystore directory on the client workstation.