Constants used in the object types.
Property Key | Property Value |
AliasRecord | AliasRecord |
Configuration | Configuration |
CustomOptionDef | CustomOptionDef |
DenyMACPool | DenyMACPool |
DeploymentScheduler | DeploymentScheduler |
Device | Device |
DeviceSubtype | DeviceSubtype |
DeviceType | DeviceType |
DHCPDeploymentRole | DHCPDeploymentRole |
DHCPMatchClass | DHCPMatchClass |
DHCPRawOption | DHCPRawOption |
DHCPServiceOption | DHCPServiceOption |
DHCPSubClass | DHCPSubClass |
DHCPV4ClientOption | DHCPV4ClientOption |
DHCP4Range | DHCP4Range |
DHCPV6ClientOption | DHCPV6ClientOption |
DHCP6Range | DHCP6Range |
DHCPV6RawOption | DHCPV6RawOption |
DHCPV6ServiceOption | DHCPV6ServiceOption |
DNSDeploymentRole | DNSDeploymentRole |
DNSOption | DNSOption |
DNSRawOption | DNSRawOption |
DNSSECSigningPolicy | DNSSECSigningPolicy |
Entity | Entity |
EnumNumber | EnumNumber |
EnumZone | EnumZone |
ExternalHostRecord | ExternalHostRecord |
GenericRecord | GenericRecord |
HINFORecord | HINFORecord |
HostRecord | HostRecord |
InternalRootZone | InternalRootZone |
IP4Address | IP4Address |
IP4Block | IP4Block |
IP4IPGroup | IP4IPGroup |
IP4Network | IP4Network |
IP4NetworkTemplate Attention: Starting in Address Manager
v9.3.0, the IP4NetworkTemplate Object Type applies to the following
IPv4 objects:
IP4NetworkTemplate |
IP4Ranged | IP4Ranged |
IP4ReconciliationPolicy | IP4ReconciliationPolicy |
IP6Address | IP6Address |
IP6Block | IP6Block |
IP6Network | IP6Network |
InterfaceID | InterfaceID |
Kerberos | Kerberos |
KerberosRealm | KerberosRealm |
Location | Location |
MACAddress | MACAddress |
MACPool | MACPool |
MXRecord | MXRecord |
NAPTRRecord | NAPTRRecord |
NetworkInterface | NetworkInterface |
NetworkServerInterface | NetworkServerInterface |
PublishedServerInterface | PublishedServerInterface |
Radius | Radius |
RecordWithLink | RecordWithLink |
ResourceRecord | ResourceRecord |
ResponsePolicy | ResponsePolicy |
RPZone | RPZone |
Server | Server |
ServerGroup | ServerGroup |
SRVRecord | SRVRecord |
StartOfAuthority | StartOfAuthority |
Tag | Tag |
TagGroup | TagGroup |
TFTPDeploymentRole | TFTPDeploymentRole |
TFTPFile | TFTPFile |
TFTPFolder | TFTPFolder |
TFTPGroup | TFTPGroup |
TXTRecord | TXTRecord |
User | User |
UserGroup | UserGroup |
VendorClientOption | VendorClientOption |
VendorOptionDef | VendorOptionDef |
VendorProfile | VendorProfile |
View | View |
VirtualInterface | VirtualInterface |
Zone | Zone |
ZoneTemplate | ZoneTemplate |