Pre-installation files and environment variables - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 22.1

BlueCat Health Monitoring Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway
Before installing the BlueCat Health Monitoring database, portal, and receiver you must download and configure the docker-compose installation package from the BlueCat Care portal and configure environment variables.
Download pre-installation files and configure environment variables
  1. Download the pre-installation file from the BlueCat care portal:
  2. Copy the zip file to the system where the BlueCat Health Monitoring Adaptive Application will be installed.
  3. Extract the zip archive to reveal the following files:
    • db-docker-compose.yml
    • portal-docker-compose.yml
    • receiver-docker-compose.yml
    • example.env
  4. Create a .env file from the example.env provided in the pre-installation zip package.
  5. Update the sample environment variables with values pertaining to your environment.
    • PORTAL_IP: The IPv4 address of the instance where the application is to be installed.
    • BAM_IP: The BlueCat Address Manager server IP address or FQDN.
    • ENFORCE_HTTPS (Optional): Set this variable to True if a valid HTTPS certificate is uploaded to the Portal container. Please refer to BlueCat Gateway documentation on how to enable HTTPS.
    • DB_CLUSTER: One or more IP addresses of instances where BlueCat Health Monitoring database is installed. Separate multiple IP addresses with a comma.
    • DB_USERNAME: The username created during database installation. If you have not yet installed the database, add the username that you plan to configure. Otherwise, return to this variable and update it after setting up database credentials. Refer to Installing the database and configuring credentials for credential configuration.
    • DB_PASSWORD: The database password for above user. If you have not yet installed the database, add the password that you plan to configure. Otherwise, return to this variable and update it after setting up database credentials. Refer to Installing the database and configuring credentials for credential configuration.
    • DB_IP: The IP address that will be used by database container to advertise itself when setting up multi-node distributed database cluster. Typically, this will be the IP address of the host system where the application is installed.
    Sample environment variables (example.env)