APIDeploymentRole - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity


Manages the deployment roles that control the services provided by Address Manager-managed servers. These objects support the standard object functions.


Property name Description Data type Read-only
id The database ID of the deployment role in Address Manager. integer (int64) No
type The type of the role (NONE, MASTER, MASTER_HIDDEN, SLAVE, SLAVE_STEALTH, FORWARDER, STUB, RECURSION, or PEER). This field cannot be null. string No
service DNS, DHCP, or TFTP. This field cannot be null. string No
entityId The database ID of the entity. This value must be greater than 0. integer (int64) No
serverInterfaceId The database ID of the sever interface. This value must be greater than 0. integer (int64) No
properties A string containing extra properties for the object in the format attribute=value. This field can be null if used for forward space. A ViewId property must be provided to assign DNS Roles to a Network or Block for a particular DNS View (reverse space). Multiple properties are separated by a | (pipe) character. string No


    "id": 12345,
    "type": "...",
    "service": "...",
    "entityId": 12345,
    "serverInterfaceId": 12345,
    "properties": "..."