Update and delete IPv4 addresses using generic methods.
API method
Update the IPv4 address name: PUT /v1/update
Note: If you are updating the state of an IPv4 address, use the PUT /v1/changeStateIP4Address API
Delete the IPv4 address: DELETE /v1/delete
Important: You cannot delete a gateway address using the
delete method; you can only delete links to the gateway
address. If the gateway address is linked to any of the following objects, these
links will be deleted when you use the delete method
with the gateway's object ID:
- Hostname
- MAC address
- Tag
- Device
Once you perform this action, you cannot restore links to these objects. You must manually re-establish all links to the gateway address.
the gateway address is linked to any of the following properties, these
links will still remain when you use the delete
method with the gateway's object ID:
- Address name
- Location
- Access rights
- UDFs